Monday, September 30, 2019

Juvenile Justice Chapters 1-4 Study Guide Essay

1 Juvenile violence is generally unrelated to gang formation and presence. False 2 The actual amount of juvenile violence in the United States is unknown. True 3 Property-offender juveniles account for about 10% of all juvenile arrests annually. False 4 A policy of delaying juvenile punishments works best for juvenile rehabilitation. False 5 Juvenile courts are the same as criminal courts. False 6 Juvenile courts have prosecutors and other court personnel. True 7 The juvenile justice system does not resemble the criminal justice system. False 8 Usually the same criteria are used to define juvenile offenders in different state jurisdictions. False 9 Under parens patriae, the king as sovereign acts to protect children and other dependents. True 10 Juvenile justice has been substantially unaffected by alternative philosophies that differ from the rehabilitation emphasis. False 11 Juvenile courts are unknown in most other industrialized countries throughout the world. False 12 Over two million youths come into contact with the criminal justice system annually. True 13 Once offenders are placed in corrections, they are no longer in the criminal justice system. False 14 Jurisdiction is the power of a court to hear a case. True 15 There are about 1,000 law enforcement agencies in the United States. False 16 Almost all ordinances aimed at juveniles are status ordinances since they are not applicable for adults. True 17 Sheriff’s deputies and city police officers are the law enforcement officers who have the most amount of contact with juveniles. True 18 Juveniles who loiter late at night cannot be taken into custody by police officers for any reason since loitering is not prohibited per se. False 19 The stage where information is obtained about juvenile suspects, including their names, addresses, and ages, is called arraignment. False 20 Juveniles are not entitled to bail. False 21 ROR means released on own recognizance. True 22 Preconviction agreements between defendants and the state are known as indictments. False 23 Proceedings for establishing a trial date where a formal plea to charges is entered are alled arraignments. True 24 Exculpatory evidence is evidence that tends to show the greater guilt of a defendant. False 25 Inculpatory evidence is favorable for defendants charged with crimes. True 26 Preliminary hearings or examinations are usually conducted for the purpose of determining probable cause. True 27 The standard of proof in juvenile proceedings is preponderance of the evidence. False 28 Beyond a reasonable doubt is only aplicable to criminal proceedings. False 29 Juveniles are not entitled in any jurisdiction to a trial by jury. False 30 Aggravating circumstances might include whether or not the youth cooperate with police to help them detect and apprehend other offenders. False 31 A mitigating circumstance might be the mental health of the defendant. True 32 Corrections is all agencies and personnel who deal with convicted offenders. True 33 Probation is part of corrections. True 34 Reducing the number of jails is the goal of the jail removal initiative. False 35 Referrals of juveniles to juvenile court can only be made by police officers. False 36 Parole is a conditional release from incarceration. True 37 Because of changes in the law, there are no longer any juveniles in adult jails. False 38 About half of all juvenile cases that come before the juvenile court are handled informally. True 39 Petitions are documents directing police to arrest a particular juvenile. False 40 Police officers are prohibited by law from placing juveniles in jails, even for short periods. False 41 One reason juveniles are held in jails temporarily is that it is difficult to establish their true age on the basis of their appearance. True 42 Neighbors of youths are prohibited by law from filing complaints that might bring these youths to the attention of the juvenile court. False 43 Being arrested and taken into custody are the same thing. False 44 Intake officers can order the incarceration of any juvenile to a long-term juvenile facility if the officers believe that the juvenile is guilty of a felony. False 45 Juvenile court prosecutors have broad discretionary powers. True 46 An adjudicatory hearing is the juvenile equivalent of a criminal trial for an adult. True 47 Intake is usually presided over by the local juvenile court judge. False 48 Intake probation officers attempt to screen the more serious juvenile offenders from the less serious ones. True 49 Intake officers consider both legal and extralegal factors in intake decision making. True 50 A nominal punishment might be a verbal warning or reprimand. True 51 Secure confinement is most closely associated with probation. False 52 Doing what is best for the children is consistent with the parens patriae doctrine. True 53 Official documents that call for a youth’s subsequent appearance in juvenile court and allege carious offenses are called petitions. True 54 Juvenile court proceedings are becoming increasingly adversarial. True 55 It is often true that the greater the formality of a juvenile court proceeding, the harsher the punishment imposed by juvenile court judges. True 56 A decision about the guilt or innocence of a juvenile is called a disposition. False 57 In most jurisdictions juvenile court judges have nearly absolute discretion to determine how their particular court proceedings are conducted. True 58 Juveniles are convicted of offenses in juvenile court proceedings. False 59 An adjudication means that a juvenile will be incarcerated. False 60 All adjudications of juveniles mean that all juveniles who are adjudicated are delinquents. False 61 Over two million juveniles com into contact with the following system annually: Criminal justice 62 Regarding decisions and discretion about juvenile offenders, intake officers have: Considerable discretion 63 Which of the following are components of the criminal justice system? a) Law enforcement b) Courts c) Legislature d) All of the above 64 The word process is sometimes used to describe the criminal justice system. This is because the criminal justice system is : a) a sequence of people-processing stages. b) loosely coordinated. c) fragmented. d) all of the above. 65 The power of courts to hear particular kinds of cases is called: Jurisdiction 66 The largest component of the criminal justice system is: Law enforcement 67 A conditional disposition would be: Probation 68 The juvenile equivalent of an adult sentence is called a(n): Disposition 69 Juveniles may be: a) arrested. b) taken to shelters and group homes. c) taken into custody. d) all of the above. 70 When juveniles are apprehended by police for suspicion and not necessarily for any particular crime, they are: Taken into custody. 71 Obtaining one’s name, address, fingerprints, photograph, and other vital information is a part of what process? Booking 72 Detentions and secure confinement almost always follow: a) a finding of guilt b) intake c) adjudications d) none of the above 73 ROR means: Released on own recognizance 74 Preconviction agreements involving guilty pleas ans favorable sentencing are: Plea bargains 75 Defendants who are most likely to be released on ROR are those: Who are employed, white, middle-class females 76 Sureties that are posted to guarantee one’s subsequent appearance in court are called: Bailbonds 77 Evidence that is favorable to the prosecution against a violent defendant is called: Inculpatory 78 Evidence that is favorable to the defense in a criminal case is called; Exculpatory 79 Circumstances that might make the punishment imposed by a sentencing judge more severe would be: Aggravating 80 Determining that a crime was committed and that a particular person or persons probably committed the crime is: Probable cause 81 Preliminary hearings are held primarily for the purpose of establishing: Probable cause 82 The standard of proof in criminal proceedings is: Beyond a reasonable doubt 83 Juries that determine one’s guilt or innocence are called: Grand juries 84 Circumstances that tend to lessen punishments imposed by judges during sentencing are: Mitigating 85 The assemblage of agencies and persons who supervise offenders after court proceedings might likely be called: Corrections 86 A conditional nonincarcerative alternative for a first offender convicted of a crime is: Probation 87 A mitigating circumstance might be: a) one’s youthfulness. b) cooperating with police officers to detect other criminals c) mental illness d) all of the above 88 An aggravating circumstance might be: Being a gang leader 89 The jail removal initiative is aimed at: Reducing or eliminating juvenile confinement in jails 90 Being taken into custody and being arrested are: Different in meaning 91 Official documents filed with juvenile court that allege that a certain juvenile is delinquent are called: Petitions 92 A finding by a grand jury that a crime has been committed and that a particular person may have committed the crime is called: True bill 93 A judgement in juvenile court is called: Adjudication 94 When a stern reprimand is given as a sentence in a juvenile court proceeding, the juvenile has been: Adjudicated 95 A conditional diposition might be: a) participation in group therapy b) payment of victim compensation c) community service d) all of the above 96 Criminal informations are typically filed by: Prosecutors 97 An industrial school placement of a juvenile is commensurate with what type of placement for adult offenders? Prison 98 The standard of proof in juvenile courts, where juveniles are not in jeopardy of losing their liberty, is: Preponderance of evidence 99 Common law in the United States was derived from: England 100 Parens patriae means: â€Å"The father of the country† 101 A standard definition of delinquency: a) exists for all juridictions b) is consistant throughout all states and the federal system c) limits delinquents to all those under age 18 d) none of the above 102 Offenses committed by juveniles that would not be crimes if committed by adults are called: Status offenses 103 It can be said of all juveniles delinquents that they: Commit crimes 104 Deinstitutionalization generally means to: Remove juveniles from custodial institutions 105 In most jurisdictions, juveniles can be charged with crimes at age: a) 18 b) 20 c) 19 d) all of the above 106 Persons under the age of 7 were presumed capable of formulating criminal intent under common law. False 107 Common law emerged in the American colonies in the 1600s. False 108 A shire is the chief law enforcement officer of an English country. False 109 Reeves are English countries. False 110 Chancellors were officials in England who administered the affairs fo the King in different remote areas. True 111 Transportation was a method used by England to rid itself of criminals. True 112 The Birdwell Workhouse was the first juvenile reformatory. False 113 Poor laws were used to incarcerate debtors for indefinite periods. True 114 The poor laws targeted the socioeconomically disadvantaged. True 115 One example of the voluntary slavery pattern is the indentured servant. True 116 The Hospital of St. Michael was the first hospital to treat juvenile diseases. False 117 The Walnut Street Jail was known for its terrible living conditions for inmates. False 118 Solitary confinement is a recent concept created during the early 1940s in U.S. prisons. False 119 Child-savers were drawn largely from the lower socioeconomic classes. False 120 Hard-core delinquents were targeted for treatment in houses of refuge. True 121 The power of the state over the family in child custody cases was illustrated in the case of Ex parte Crouse. True 122 The case of O’Connell v. Turner had to do with child abuse and neglect. False 123 The founder of Hull House was Jane Addams. True 124 Truants are persons who have run away from home and are considered untreatable. False 125 An example of voluntary servitude was the indentured servant. True 126 The first juvenile court was established in Illinois in !899. True 127 By the end of the Korean War, only ;half of all states had juvenile courts. False 128 The Compulsory School Act created children’s tribunals. False 129 Prior to juvenile courts, juvenile affairs were administered largely by social service agencies. True 130 Juvenile courts in most jurisdictions operate the same way. False 131 One of the most influential philanthropic organizations of the eighteenth century upon correctional practices was the Philadelphia Society for Alleviating the Miseries fo Public Persons. True 132 Small communities were known for their Gesellschaft atmosphere. False 133 Juveniles viewed as chattel meant that they were counted like so much farm property and livestock. True 134 Sweat shops exploited juvenile labor during the late 1800s and early 1900s. True 135 Throughout much of the 20th century, juveniles had little or no legal standing in U.S. courts. True 136 Efficient juvenile offender proceedings is sometimes called actuarial justice. True 137 Jurisdiction usually refers to the power of a court to hear particular kinds of cases. True 138 For a majority of the states, the upper age limit for juvenile courts is 21. False 139 Status offenders would include all juveniles who commit acts that would be crimes if adults committed them. False 140 The power of juvenile court judges is such that juvenile delinquency may be whatever they say it is. True 141 The parens patriae doctrine has had little influence on juveniles and juvenile courts. False 142 The get-tough movement is a response to perceived escalating juvenile violence by interested citizens. True 143 In most juvenile courts, juveniles are convicted of various offenses following an adjudicatory hearing. False 144 Almost every juvenile court is a court of record. False 145 Juvenile court jurisdiction is the same among different local and state legislative definitions of juvenile offenders. False 146 All jurisdictions have the same lower age limits for juveniles. False 147 The most common age of accountability in the U.S. is 21. False 148 Delinquency is an act committed by a juvenile which would be a status offense if committed by an adult. False 149 Compared with runaways, curfew violators tend to be more serious offenders. True 150 Virtually all runaways are pretty much the same in terms of their social and personal characteristics. False 151 Stigmas usually result in juveniles defining themselves as deviant or delinquent. True 152 Truants and liquor law violators are more inclined to be chronic offenders compared with runaways. True 153 Stigmatization is closely associated with labeling theory. True 154 Staus offenders may become criminals if they violate court orders. True 155 Studies of runaway behavior show that most runaways are well adjusted youths who want to make it on their own. False 156 Decarceration means to separate juvenile delinquents from status offenders by placing them in different cells in juvenile prisons. False 157 Diversion programs are especially helpful in the cases of dependent and neglected children. True 158 Under divestiture status offenders are removed from secure institutions. False 159 One unfavorable implication of DSO is net-widening. True 160 Recidivism is associated with the chronicity of offending. True 161 Self-reports suggest that there is considerable career escalation from status offending to criminal offending. False 162 An important factor associated with recidivism is frequent contact with juvenile courts. True 163 Contact with juvenile courts is believed by many experts to stigmatize youths with self-definitions of delinquency. True 164 Relabeling occurs when police officers relabel innocent juvenile behaviors and interpret them as delinquent behaviors. True 165 The Uniform Crime Report typically underestimates the amount of juveniles offending. True 166 DSO has caused drastic increases in the rate of recidivism among juvenile offenders. False 167 An incident consists of multiple acts involving a single victim. False 168 A victimization is a single criminal act that affects a single victim. True 169 The National Crime Victimization Survey is a compilation of reported by all law enforcement agencies. False 170 Cleared by arrest means that someone has been arrested for a particular crime. True 171 One weakness of the UCR is that not all law enforcement agencies report crimes in the same way. True 172 Self-report information is believed to by some juvenile justice experts to be a more accurate indication of how much delinquency exists. True 173 The Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics publishes no information about juvenile offenses. False 174 Self-reports are reports filed by principals detailing the amount of crime committed by students on their campuses. True 175 One problem with self-report information is that juveniles may exaggerate the amount of crime they commit. True 176 The National Youth Survey has been discounted frequently by professionals as an unreliable data source regarding juvenile offending behaviors. False 177 Self-reports of delinquency often disclose what has been termed hidden delinquency. True 178 A study of youths who reported that they smoked cigarettes frequently showed that many of these youths had not actually smoked cigarettes and had lied about this behavior. True 179 School violence has pretty much een eliminated as the result of more sophisticated surveillance systems in schools and closer student monitoring by police. False 180 Most school violence is fatal. False 181 There is a clear pattern of career escalation among status offenders who typically graduate to juvenile delinquency. False 182 Chronic violent offenders are usually those juveniles who are arrested at least four or more times for violent offenses. True 183 The formation of gangs is a phenomenon almost exclusively confined to the large cities of Los Angeles, New York, Boston, ans Chicago. False 184 At-risk youth tend to have personality problems and exhibit poor social adjustment. True 185 Gangs usually form along racial or ethnic lines. True 186 Juveniles who commit homicide are relatively rare. True 187 About 50% of all youth deaths have been attributable to firearms. True 188 Pathways are developmental sequences over the course of one’s adolescence. True 189 There are few, if any, differences between female and male delinquent offending patterns. False 190 Growing numbers of female juvenile are entering the juvenile justice system annually. True 191 The most common reason for females joining female gangs is for protection. True 192 Female rather than male delinquents are more likely to receive paternalistic treatment from juvenile court judges. True 193 A significant feature of early juvenile courts was their emphasis on: Confidentiality 194 Common law was established during: Medieval England 195 Juvenile courts are courts of: Limited Jurisdiction 196 Referring to the juvenile justice system as a â€Å"system† is problematic for some juvenile justice professionals primarily because: The juvenile justice system components are only loosely coordinated 197 Below what age under English common law are children not held accountable for their actions? 7 198 A sheriff in early England was called a: Reeve 199 Indentured servants often entered servitude voluntarily for the purpose of: Gaining passage to the new colonies 200 The Poor Laws were most closely associated with: Debtor’s Prisons 201 Responsible for many of the jail and prison reforms in early England were the: Quakers 202 The Walnut Street Jail was innovative in that it: a) segregated male from female inmates b) segregated more serious offenders for less serious ones c) created solitary confinement d) all of the above 203 The Philadelphia Society for Alleviating the Miseries of Public Prisons was sponsored by the: Quakers 204 The Hospital of Saint Michael was a famous: Correctional facility in Italy to punish unruly youths 205 The Hospital of Saint Michael was known for its use of: Corporal Punishment 206 The child-saving movement sought to: Provide shelter to wayward youths 207 Houses of refuge targeted: Status Offenders 208 Ex parte Crouse dealt with: Family rights relating to the control of their children 209 Truancy statutes were aimed at: Youths who avoided attending school 210 The Uniform Crime Reports publishes information about: a)juvenile delinquency b)reported crime c)felonies and misdemeanors d) all of the above 211 According to the Uniform Crime Reports, juvenile offense patterns are: Different among most states 212 Self-reports of delinquency differ from reported delinquency in the Uniform Crime Reports in that self-reports disclose: Higher delinquency than reported 213 The federal juvenile court is called: The federal government has no juvenile court 214 Truancy is: A status offense 215 In our current system of juvenile justice, a six-year-old murderer is likely to be: Treated 216 A status offense for an adult offender would likely be: Vagrancy 217 What best typifies runaway behavior? It is difficult to explain. 218 The â€Å"unsettling age† of runaway behavior is: The first few days away from home 219 More inclined to become chronic offenders are: Truants 220 Stigmas among certain juveniles result in: Unfavorable labeling by others 221 Stigmatizing youths is believed to be one consequence of: Frequent contact with juvenile courts 222 Deinstitutionalizing status offenders means: Removal of status offenders from institutions 223 Labeling theory has done much to account for:q Diversion 224 One of the most sweeping reforms in juvenile justice in recent years is: DSO 225 Undre full divestiture juvenile court judges can do what to status offenders? a) place them on probation b) confine them to institutions c) adjudicate them d) none of the above 226 Whenever police officers redefine innocent juvenile behaviors as delinquent behaviors, this process is: Re-labeling 227 When certain youths are pulled into the juvenile justice system and community programs simply because those programs exist, this is known as: Net-widening 228 One major problem with the Uniform Crime Reports is that: Not all agencies report crime regularly 229 An index offense would be: a) arson b) murder c) robbery d) all of the above 230 A crime punishable by more than one year of incarceration would be a: Felony 231 The National Crime Victimization Survey is a reflection of the amount of: a) aggravated assaults committed by juveniles b) rapes committed by juveniles c) murders committed by juveniles d) none of the above 232 Crimes that are cleared by arrest usually lead to: a) long jail terms b) convictions c) short jail terms d) none of the above 233 Self-report information is: a) potentially unreliable b) constitutional c) voluntary d) all of the above 234 When a crime is committed and a single victim is involved, it is called: Victimization 235 The Uniform Crime Reports may reflect: a) arrest statistics b) police offender activity c) crime trends d) all of the above 236 The Uniform Crime Reports report: Arrests 237 Perhaps one of the most accurate statements we can make about the Uniform Crime Reports is that they: Seriously underestimate the true amount of crime nationally 238 The National Youth Survey is an example of the use of: Self-reports 239 Regarding the relation between the type of juvenile offending behavior and career escalation, the results of scientific research are: Inconsistant 240 Self-reports are likely inaccurate because: Juveniles tend to brag about cries they have not committed 241 Most school violence results in: Nonlethal injuries 242 At-risk youths tend to be: a) overachievers in school b) socially well-adjusted c) affluent d) none of the above 243 Gangs tend to form along: a) racial lines b) gender lines c) ethnic lines d) all of the above 244 Developmental sequences over the term of one’s adolescence are called: Pathways 245 Female juveniles tend to: a) commit less violent acts b) have prior histories of physical or sexual abuse c) be more passive in their offending d) all of the above 246 One myth about female juvenile offenders is that much of their offending involves: Violent offending 247 Theories have nothing to do with predicting social behaviors False 248 Theories may predict as well as explain. True 249 It is very likely that relationships exist between theories of delinquency and various types of juvenile delinquency intervention programs. True

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Goodnight Mr Tom Essay

In the essay, I have to describe and explain the character that I liked and disliked in the text and a response to both parts of the question. The title of the novel is called â€Å"Goodnight Mr Tom† by â€Å"Michelle Magorian†. The character I liked in the novel the most is Willie. This young boy came from the city side where he is treated harshly by his parents. This â€Å"thin and sick-looking pale with limy sandy hair† boy is called Willie in the novel, which he was evacuated out of the city from the causes of the â€Å"Blitz† happening there. He was sent along by his parents into the country side to be protected and kept save away from the bombing. The boy is one passionate kid, he does lots of things like loving the fresh breezes and sunny and â€Å"Little Wier†. Willie is most important and most interesting character in the text. It really made me very curious about him, that way he acted and how was treated when he was young. He clearly was my most liked character by how he was raised by his parents –strict and religious. I liked how his shy, timid, socially and sometimes awkward. This character reflects on me a lot because this how I acted when, I go/enter someone’s home or house. Also I can be sometimes liked this when, I’m in a room of people that I do not know. It creates a visual for me to understand how he felt that time when he was left home with someone who he doesn’t know and that’ll be taking care of him. I also liked the things about Willie is that he has patience’s, he gave the person (Mr Tom) some time so he can understand him a bit better and be able to have some connections. I don’t dislike anything about Willie in the text. He has a great personality, so there’s no need for Willie to have any disliked list or category. But there is more things to like about Willie, like how his sees passion through Zach, Mr Tome, local friends and his painting and his acting. His hobbies are like what ordinary kid do example; us we are young and did all of this things like- Read, Paint, Swimming, Acting and also some music. There’s no other way not to like this character, also he eats/drinks the same thing you do- tea, cake and some lemonade. From the way I described my character, this where I summaries it. My point of this essay is that I choose the character named Willie, not because his then main characters buy by the way he expressed himself from the novel/book. It made a clear understanding of the choosing this character as for my essay.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

The Effects Of Oil Spill In The Marine Ecosystem

These components affect living organisms in many ways. Some of the soluble components and emulsions are poisonous, particularly to small organisms that do not have protective coverings or shells- Fish larvae, single celled algae and many kinds of plankton are vulnerable and these are the basic foundation of the marine food chain. In shallow water these toxic substances may directly kill algae, coral and sea grasses.These components may also be passed in the food chain or directly ingested or absorbed through the gills of fish and other larger marine organisms. The effect may be to kill the animal or contaminate its tissues. A thick film of oil on the sea surface may reduce sunlight penetration and reduce photosynthesis. Small particles and emulsions may be ingested or block the feeding mechanisms of invertebrates such as oysters, starfish, sponges and corals. These particles also may have toxic components, so the effects can be physical, chemical or both. The most dramatic impact of oil spills is the coating of larger animals with oil. Animals that breathe at the surface like dolphins, sea turtles and manatees may inhale oil and toxic vapors. Sticky oil may also coat their bodies. Coating with oil is particularly devastating to birds. Even a thin coat of oil compromises the waterproof quality of feathers, causing the bird to become water logged and loose heat. Animals, like some sea turtles, that feed at or near the surface may ingest tar balls and particles that then physically blocks their intestines and may be toxic as well.At the shoreline, shallow waters and coastal estuaries and marshes, the impact of the layer of oil, floating and suspended emulsion and particles can be devastating, coating plants and benthic animals like corals, crabs and shell fish, preventing photosynthesis and breathing and blocking filter feeding mechanisms. These materials become mixed into shoreline sediments and remain in the system for years. ‘Dispersants’ are deter gent like substances that can be applied to an oil slick and accelerate the emulsification, break-up into particles and dispersion of the thick oil. This limits the spread and the distance that a slick moves.However it is important to recognize that the oil does not go away- its all still there, just in the form of smaller particles and emulsion that is less mobile. In addition, dispersants may also be toxic or have deleterious effects on the natural environment, particularly on small single celled organisms. System recovery.Despite these gloomy predictions, the effects of oil spills are not permanent and complete. Marine systems show remarkable resiliency and as the oil becomes sequestered in less active forms (tarballs, buried oil etc.) and is broken down by sunlight and bacterial action, the systems recover. Survivors reproduce and recolonize habitats. Some creatures adapt to tar and oil covered substrates and some crabs and mollusks actually eat the tar and the bacteria and fung i growing upon it, and aid its degredation. The oil in its several forms is dispersed, diluted and broken down until only small pockets and particles remain.Marine systems are by their very nature open- that is connected by the sea, wind and currents to distant uncontaminated regions. Many marine organisms have mobile life phases(floating eggs, larvae) that recolonize and re-establish populations. Some of the creatures affected by a spill also routinely suffer catastrophic mortality from other causes (e.g. some colonial nesting seabirds) and are well adapted to recover. Large mobile animals like sharks, sea turtles, large fish and whales that moved away from the spill move back. Although there may be significant mortality of some of these animals, overall the impact on their populations is usually not permanent.In the well studied cases in the Arabian gulf, Alaska (Exxon Valdez) and English Channel (Torrey Canyon), the appearance of the system returned close to normal within a few y ears. Although there was still oil and tar present in the sediments, and continuing effects among the organisms there was visible recovery of major parts of the system (seagrass beds, rocky intertidal habitats, coral reefs).With the passage of time, approximately a decade or so, and rebalancing of ecosystem and the creatures living in it, the system continues to function and returns to productivity, fisheries recover and many of the organisms are restored to their previous abundance. While such widespread intense disruption may causes changes in the balance of nature- which species are present and how numerous they are- nature itself survives. Although such catastrophic events are very damaging and economically expensive at a human scale, on an ecological time scale they are passing disruptions and on an evolutionary timescale, barely perceptible.Ecosystem effectsClean up efforts have included unprecedented amounts of chemical dispersants,  which are used to break up oil slicks. A lthough detailed effects of the chemical dispersants on wildlife and ecosystems are not well studied, the chemicals used are toxic to a variety of organisms, and they have never been previously used on this wide a scale. Because dispersants break oil up into tiny droplets, marine biologists fear that fish larvae, zooplankton and filter feeders (such as oysters), will be at risk from eating the large quantities of â€Å"non-visible† oil.Chemical dispersants are likely to impact deep-water animals downstream of the well. Oil will likely reduce the amount and health of all prey species, reducing the food available for marine mammals, seabirds and sea turtles. Plankton is the foundation for nearly all life in the Gulf of Mexico (and the ocean), and they will most likely be affected. Contaminants from the spill and the dispersants are likely to concentrate in the upper food chain, affecting whales, dolphins, birds and sharks. FishesScientists have observed fish species moving into near-shore areas with less oil contamination, indicating that they may be fleeing significant habitat impacts in deeper waters. The Gulf is a breeding ground for bluefin tuna, and the oil spill coincides with egg production. Larvae of tuna and other fishes eat anything they see in the water, including oil droplets. Studies on a variety of fish larvae suggests that ingestion of both oil droplets and dispersants causes adverse effects, including mutations, physiological problems and increased mortality.BirdsSeabirds get covered with oil while diving into oily waters to fish. The birds may ingest oil when they eat prey that is covered in or has ingested oil. Once birds are covered with oil, they have difficulty flying, or are completely unable to fly, making feeding and getting away from predators impossible. Many species of birds, including the brown pelican (just taken off the endangered list) face threats from the oil spill on the coastal islands and wetlands of the Gulf that they use as rookeries. Birds’ eggs are getting covered in oil, and the birds are deserting their oiled habitat, leaving their eggs behind.Oil pollution is one of the most serious environmental problems in themarine  environment. Episodic pollution events, such as catastrophic oilspills; in particular, threaten water quality and habitat with a suddenness andseverity rarely matched by other pollutants. Catastrophic spills typicallyresult from transportation accidents such as collisions or groundings of oiltankers.Most oil pollution stems from non-catastrophic events, however, and occursmost frequently during cargo transfer operations. In fact, of the 3.5 Milliontons of oil that ends up in the ocean every year worldwide, only a small percent is a consequence of tanker spills. About 70 percent of oil Pollution isdue to chronic pollution from municipal and industrial wastes or run off,dumping of waste oil, release of oily bilge water, and from other-than-tanker transportation.Whatâ⠂¬â„¢s an oil spill?Oil spills happen when people make mistakes or are careless and cause anoil tanker to leak oil into the ocean. There are a few more ways an oil spillcan occur. Equipment breaking down may cause an oil spill. If theequipment breaks down, the tanker may get stuck on shallow land. Whenthey start to drive the tanker again, they can put a hole in the tanker causingit to leak oil

Friday, September 27, 2019

Rewrite sentences Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Rewrite sentences - Essay Example Yoruba lies in the Southwestern Nigeria and Benin of Africa. It is said to be populated with one million people. It Ancestry was a myth. State formation began with trading first among themselves then later, with neighboring areas. They are credited for carving mountains into farms which they planted with yams, coco yams and bananas. Copper is an important commodity for the Yurobians, but its beginnings were doubted from where they came from. They traded these crops and copper with horses and salt. Later on Yorubians used these horses to form a cavalry to expand its territories. As they expanded trade with Europeans, slavery began because the rulers began to export slaves by as many as 20,000 per year during 1630 to 1730. Its political communities were developed as villages that later on turned into a kingship led by a leader Oduduwa wherein people believed was sent by the Creator to establish lands and kingdoms. Second state is Benin Kingdom. Political reforms as well a trade were th e greatest contributions of the first king of Benin. During this period, the Oba Ewuware, the first king introduced the law of succession, the primogeniture, a rule that father should be succeeded by his son whom they called Oba. Oba Ewuware formed a government with checks and balances powers, created and appointed chiefs as what we may call cabinet misters today. He created opportunities for advancement of the people through grades and authority. However, even there were appeals for freedom of slaves, but people were not given these opportunities. Trade with Portuguese continued to be a pillar of growth since the Oba has a monopoly of trade of pepper, ivory and copper. This period also reflected the spread of artisan craft of items made from brass, and the abolition of slave trade in 1807. Asante is one of the richest states in the African region because of its gold. They used gold to purchase slaves to do the gold mining for them to expand production. The slaves were also instrume ntal in introducing agriculture to the land as they cleared dense forests, and planted wide variety of crops brought to Africa by the Europeans. The clearing of forests gave way for the development of communities. As things developed, the earlier peaceful community was ruled by politically ambitious group that wanted to control the gold production. This showed the way to warring factions that created wars and havocs to the people. d. Luba and Kuba Infrastructure developments through cooperative efforts of the people of the village gave way to the productive lifestyle of the people. Its marshy environment led the people to build dikes, drainage channels and dams to store water for dry season-fishing. Historians believed that the large scale public cooperation in Luba led the people of the village to a political community. Organized community led people to manage its resources as people lived continuously on the place as fishing village, and workings on iron. By the turn of the 10th c entury, people had diversified economy with trading their fish, farm products, and metals with salt and iron items, imported glass beads and cowry shells from the distant Indian Ocean. Next to infrastructure, trade largely contributed to its development. Copper was abundant in this side of Africa. In Kuba, growth was funneled by agriculture production of various crops. The introduction of taxes by the governmente brought to the division of labor between men and women, lowering of marrying age of young male to draw them

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Legal and Ethical Issues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Legal and Ethical Issues - Essay Example Therefore, social and medical workers direct all their efforts on decreasing level of smoking among elderly people (Gardner, 2002). In the UK only 1 in 10 general healthcare staff disagreed with a smoking ban in health-care centres for elder people (Gardner, 2002). It means that the great interest of medical staff is focused on the decrease of the level of smokers in health care centres (Gardner, 2002). Some elderly people have a long-term â€Å"habit† of smoking. Thus once an old person loses a beloved spouse, he may start smoking again even if he gave it up earlier. Smoking can destroy the health of smokers and non-smokers around them. The latter breathe in cigarette smoke. Mass media has propagated a tolerant attitude to smoking for a long time being driven by commercial triggers (Chiva&Stears, 2001). The issue is even more complicated if it refers to elderly smokers in a care setting. Some elderly people suffer from numerous diseases and it is relevant to inform them about health hazards caused by smoking. It is quite clear that smoking is a trigger of cancer, lung diseases and many other illnesses (Chiva&Stears, 2001). Thus, it is relevant to find a solution to this problem from legal and ethical perspectives. Ethical issues There are four basic ethical principles: respect for person, autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence and justice. Elderly people who undergo treatment in health care settings should be treated in accordance with these ethical principles. For example, a principle of respect for person is reflected if smokers are aware of the fact that their smoking violates health protection of people around them. On the other hand, freedoms of smokers should not be violated (a principle of autonomy works here); public intrusion of non-smoking policy into personal choices of smokers etc. These issues can be complicated by many other considerations: elderly people have a long-term â€Å"habit† of smoking. Therefore older people endanger thei r relatives or people around them and expose people in a care setting to second-hand smoke. A controversial ethical dilemma occurs: whether to ban or not to ban smoking to old person? It is a violation of smoker’s freedom, is not it? First of all, a smoker is a citizen. He should not feel that their freedoms are restricted. Smoking is not an illegal practice. Of course, there is no doubt that good of the public should not be sacrificed in the name of a smoker’s satisfaction. Legal issues If to consider smoking from the perspective of smoking as a personal choice of a smoker, then smoking ban should be considered from legal and ethical perspectives. In accordance with the American Medical Association Code, â€Å"Health professionals are under obligation to put the patients first, regardless of economic status or physical condition. Each profession within the health care field has adopted its own code of conduct† (Gardner, 2002).. With regard to an elder patient o f health care setting in case he cannot make decisions himself, it is relevant to take control over his mental capacity. In case, â€Å"a decision should be made for them, that decision must be made in that person’s best interests. You must also consider whether there is another way of making the decision which might not affect the person’s rights and freedom of action  as much (known as  the â€Å"least restrictive alternative principle†

Victimology Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Victimology - Coursework Example The occurrence of such violence is attributable to bitterness towards the old, retaliatory attacks by younger adults, insufficient love and friendliness and general social plight. Reportedly, abusers are relations of the elderly individual who are supposedly caregivers. CVS (2011) reports several incidences of elder abuse. For instance, the year 2007 there were over 91590 individuals above the age of 65 who experienced violent misdemeanor. Of all police crime reporting rate across the various age groups, the age group of 65 five and above had 61% of the total crime reports in the year 2007. This is indicative of the increased crime across this age group. Reportedly, the same year witnessed individuals above the age of 65 lose a massive 1.3 billion dollars in terms of individual and possessions crimes. People aged 60 and constituted 8% of the total deceptive crime reported to the federal trade commission in the year 2008 (CVS, 2011). Consequently, about 12% of identity theft victims reported to the institution was age 60 years and above (CVS, 2011). This is indicative of the increasing criminal activity directed towards this age. According to CVS (2011), five ways to of preventing elder abuse includes individual awareness of the persistence of the problem and its causative factors. The elderly person should make the concerned authorities aware of the quandary. Secondly, one must plan a head to establish caregivers preparedness in terms of financial, physical, and psychological resources. One should arrange for an alternate care to take charge in the event of failure by the preliminary plan. The elders are encouraged to stay sociable by participating in communal activities and sustaining a well established association of friends. Lastly, one should obey the scheduled medical care and other many social engagements (CVS). CVS (2011) outlines several ways of identifying elder

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

DB 5 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

DB 5 - Research Paper Example 1. Stakeholders of a corporation Stakeholders to a corporation are people, groups of people, and entities with interest in the corporation’s achievements. They can be classified into two groups, internal stakeholders, and external stakeholders. Shareholders are the first group of stakeholders, their interest is in their investments, and potential rewards from the investments. A corporation’s employees are another set of stakeholders with stake in job security and the corporation’s ability to pay remunerations in time. Management, a part of employees, also has interest in their obligations as the corporation’s custodians (Hill and Jones, 2012). External stakeholders include bond holders and other types of creditors whose interests is in the corporation’s ability to repay its liabilities, consumers because of their dependence on the corporation’s products and the government whose interest include tax from the corporation and regulatory measures over the corporation. Other stakeholders are the society within which the corporation operates, and immediate and extended economies (Hill and Jones, 2011). 2. ... Consequently, entities with the highest number of stakeholders are more important than those with few stakeholders are. Entities whose actions poses macroeconomic consequences are also more important than those whose impacts are limited in scope (Brooks and Dunn, 2009). Relative significance of entities also depends on the possible impacts on market sustainability and those that can lead to market collapse are more important than others whose impacts on market sustainability are mild. Quality of jobs in an entity and the value that the entity adds to the economy also justifies the position that some entities are more important than others are. The government, as the custodial of national economy, should therefore help the important businesses to sustainability during financial crisis in order to ensure economic stability. The government should however restrain from help to less important businesses because of possible involved strain on federal expenditure and because of the need to promote prudence and self-reliance among businesses (Gilpin, 2011). 3. Determinants of deficiency and the need for downsizing, and benefits of downsizing solving deficiency Many measures exist by which a company may be considered deficient. A high debt ratio such as debt to equity ratio that shows the percentage debts relative to an entity’s internal equity indicates deficiency. A company’s inability to honor debts as they become due, increased number of court cases over defaulted payments and human resource problems regarding employees’ remunerations are other measures for determining a company’s deficiency. Extreme level of these measures identifies the need for downsizing as a strategy to improving a company’s liquidity towards meeting its obligations. Downsizing can

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Strong Interest Inventory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Strong Interest Inventory - Essay Example s which matches the interests as well as the personal styles in relation to issues such as leadership qualities and risk taking abilities of the individuals is very important for the students as there is a strong relationship between the interests, preferences and personality. The school counselor also interacts with the students who are experiencing social or personal problems, and after identifying the issues aids them by providing counseling for achieving their academic and career goals. Due to legislative compulsions, the schools are required to update their testing programs and design new assessment methods. There are standardized tests developed by the test publishers. In the recent years new editions of the Tests of Achievement and Proficiency Batteries have been released by the reputed test publishers. They also publish interest inventory tests which broadly measure the students’ vocational or academic interests. Attitude and personality scales used for measurement cover various parameters. For example the results of the  Myers-Briggs Type Indicator  (MBTI) assessment (CPP Inc., 2004) include: Scores on the level of interest on each of the six  Holland Codes  or General Occupational Themes.  Holland Code Themes  include – Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional. Standardization: A standardized test conducted under standard conditions and vigilance, with specified time limits and scores are either norm or criterion referenced, and interpreted as per standards consistently. The standardized tests are useful in the assessment of academic success or achievement, and could also be effectively used for diagnostic testing in counseling for identifying weaknesses such as reading and writing skills as well. ACT, SATII, GRE, MAT, GMAT, MCAT and LSAT are some of the good examples of standardized tests. Norming: Norm refers to average level of achievement or performance in relation to a group. Norm-referenced tests

Monday, September 23, 2019

Benefits And Costs Of Using Common Currency In Greece, Germany And Research Paper

Benefits And Costs Of Using Common Currency In Greece, Germany And Eurozone - Research Paper Example 14). As a result of reduced transaction costs, Eurozone nations expected a thirty billion dollar annual savings (The Euro, the European Central Bank, p. 154). Directly as result of eliminating exchange of currencies, the exchange rate volatility was also removed. These exchange rate fluctuations make the trade between countries more risky; because if one currency devalues in relation to other, the marketer of the depreciated currency will be affected by getting less than what his product is worth. Or conversely the buyer of depreciated currency may require paying more than what he originally contracted for (Eudey, pp. 14-15). Exchange rate rish is thus another form of transaction cost which was avoided. Another major benefit of Euro as the common currency was the avoidance of speculation. Before the introduction of Euro, speculation used to greatly occur throughout the Europe. Whenever a currency was thought to be devalued in near future, people used to sell all their holdings in tha t currency. The only solution to the problem of speculation was keeping the interest rates as high as possible to keep the people interest in the currency. These high interest rates were bad for the economy and hindered economic progress in Europe during 90s (Eudey, pp. 15, 16). Adoption of Euro as a common currency thus removed speculation and economies of the member countries could develop and flourish easily without the disadvantages of higher interest rates. Euro also does away with the problem of competitive devaluation of currency among the member nations. Before the era of Euro, European nations used to devalue their currency to increase the exports. Inflation was a direct result of this devalution (Eudey, p. 15). The adoption of common currency did in fact come with many costs as well. The first and the foremost disadvantage of adopting common currency by the Eurozone countries was that by accepting Euro as national currency they surrendered their right to adopt and change t heir monetary and economic policies to suit their domestic conditions (The Euro: Expect, pp. 123). There was another big cost of not being able to adjust the exchange rates between trading countries to eliminate the economic falloffs of individual countries. Even after the adoption of common currency and a unit monetary policy throughout the Eurozone and its many benefits, there is no surety that some member country may not go in recession; and this was the main concern for all the countries. If at any time one country goes into recession, it cannot alter the individual monetary policy and as a result the only option left is to wait, because a change in the monetary policy of all the nations would adversely affect more countries than benefit the country in recession (The Euro, the European Central Bank, pp. 157). Despite of this, the idea of creating a common currency was that by tying many European nations through a common currency, the business cycle of all countries will soon be closely linked to each other and very soon would there be no possibility of recession in one country while stability in other (The Euro: Expectations and Performance, p. 123). However, changes in individual Fiscal policies was allowed. Benefits and Costs of common currency in Greece Recently there has been a debt crisis in Greece and other Eurozone countries which has jeopardized the likelihood of continuing with the Euro. Especially Greece is highly considering to quit the Euro and reverting back to its national currency Drachma. The debt crisis is raising a lot of questions and discussions about the potential advantages and

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Consumer Behaviour Essay Example for Free

Consumer Behaviour Essay Art consumers in the modern world have increased their buying capacity of art as paradigms shifts to knowledge and information based concepts. Cultural diversity and technology are developing new forms of art and ways to market these art pieces to a wider range of art consumers. However, there is no room for complacency in art managers of art galleries. It is still best to incorporate sound motivational theories that guide marketing efforts towards being robust, effective and efficient. Three motivational theories had been highlighted forming a well-rounded strategy to approach art gallery marketing. Maslow’s heirarchy of needs gives a step-by-step escalation of man’s satisfaction levels. It was noted that although art cannot satisfy physiological needs, consumers can still be motivated to buy art as objects to satisfy their needs of self-esteem, belongingness and need to self-actualize. McGuire’s advice on motivating people offers looking into the cognitive and affective factors of man’s thinking process. The more art gallery marketing efforts cater to affective faculties of their consumers, the more selling will take place. And lastly, the theory of Freud has been chosen as another guidepost in defining what makes the consumer buy. Innate biological elements found in man such as sexual desires is the most commonly known Freudian motivation that is closely related to selling art. Construction of marketing strategies to sell art does not end in incorporating concepts from these motivation theories. These motivations must further zoom in on the consumer eventually. The way to fine tune the marketing strategy is to incorporate concepts found in the five-step decision making process that all consumers go through.   As the art buyer goes from recognizing his need to gathering information that will lead him to a possible purchase, to evaluating criteria affecting his possible purchase, to his actual purchase and to coming up with insights that happens during his post purchase, the marketing strategy of the art gallery is put into a test. INTRODUCTION The art market is slowly evolving. Art has evolved into many forms and galleries have transformed to accommodate a wide range of consumers. With the entrance of innovative technology, cultural diversity and faster access to information, art galleries been challenged to study and understand consumer behavior of this widening niche. â€Å"For the last few years, the media have trumpeted contemporary art as the hottest new investment. At fairs, auction houses and galleries, an influx of new buyersmany of them from the world of financehave entered the fray. Lifted by this tidal wave of new money, the number of thriving artists, galleries and consultants has rocketed upwards.† (Spiegler, 2006) But amidst all this buying frenzy, sellers have remained steadfast to the consumer behavior theories that guide the markets. Buying behavior theories have not changed and remained formidable in figuring out what buyers want, why they want, how they avail of these wants and the factors that affect these decisions. Consumers of art hold special focused studies. Consumers who buy art also buy gas, groceries, basic services and insurance. Though there is culture in gas, groceries, basic services and insurance, these commodities does not directly fall under art. Art products and services are born out of a cultural industry. These consumers have their own consumer behaviors. â€Å"Consumer behavior is the process involved when individual or groups select, purchase, use, and dispose of goods, services, ideas, or experiences to satisfy their needs and desires. It is important that marketers understand consumer behavior because wants and needs are satisfied best when marketers understand the behaviors of consumers.† (Hawkins, 1998) Therefore, appropriate buyer behavior theories must be employed to so that marketing strategies to sell products in art galleries will be most appropriate, effective, efficient and economical. THE PRODUCT AND SERVICE Marketing strategies start with knowing the product or service. Characteristics of these items for sale will be essential in finding the consumers who would want to buy them. Art encompass a wide variety of products and services. Art galleries themselves have evolved into stores that sell different art genres depending on how one beholds something as art, from the flea markets selling antiques to the fine art galleries bidding by the millions. Applied and decorative art are products found in advertising, architecture and urban design. Crafts, jewelry, fashion, industrial, product and interior design fall under this art category. Entertainment art provides enjoyment services such as film, recording and TV programs. â€Å"Fine art is motivated by art-for-arts-sake. It is the primary research and development segment of the arts industry. It generates enlightenment, i.e. it sheds light on the nature of the human condition on the individual and society. â€Å"It is primarily in the fine arts that new talent and technique are developed; new scripts and scores created; and, new images and styles set. Results of fine art RD, like the results of scientific research, are sometimes adopted by for-profit enterprises in and out of the arts industry. And, as in pure science, fine art is not financially self-supporting. The right to fail is an essential artistic and scientific freedom a freedom that requires patience and risk-taking on the part of patrons, investors and audiences.† (Chartrand, 2000) Heritage art subsumes all kind of art. It feeds contemporary art and is the one that sets standards of the following generations. This art inspires creators and enriches artists through its integration of scarcity and aesthetic value while employing a sense of social relevance and cohesion.   Ã¢â‚¬Å"Between 1969 and 1989, heritage art yielded the highest return of all financial investment opportunities (The Economist July 1, 1989). Furthermore, theft of antiquities is the most lucrative international crime. Ounce for ounce, an antiquity can be more valuable than drugs. It can yield a higher return, at lower risk of being caught, and generally produces less jail time if one is convicted† (Chartrand 1992a). MOTIVATIONS OF THE ART CONSUMER A person who walks into an art gallery is differently motivated compared to a person who walks into a McDonald’s burger store. A company who buys a 10 million art work does so with objectives different from its putting up a building worth about the same cost. Consumers of art are motivated differently and theories defining these motivations can help marketing strategist clear marketing goals and activities. Maslow’s Heirarchy of Needs Abraham Maslow (1908-1970) has been one of the century’s great inspiration in personality theories. The Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs as illustrated in Figure 1 has helped both researchers, scholars, scientists and most specially marketing executives on how to motivate clients and consumers. Maslow believes that man is motivated based on the level of satisfaction he can achieve at a particular time when the product or service is offered him. And the levels of satisfaction starts from getting his physiological needs, then his safety needs and subsequently his belonging needs, esteem needs until he arrives at his self-actualization. Figure 1. Maslow’s Heirarchy of Needs (Boeree, 1998) â€Å"Maslow suggested the intuitively appealing notion that humans must satisfy the most basic objectives before they can move onto higher level ones. Thus, an individual must satisfy physiological needs (such as food and liquid) before he or she will be able to expend energy on less fundamental objectives such as safety. Only when basic objectives have been met will a person move on to seek such objectives as love and belonging, and only a small minority of people make it as far as seeking self-actualization.† (Boeree, 1998) Art consumers at the art galleries are motivated to satisfy a certain level of need as illustrated in Maslow’s diagram. Art definitely cannot be eaten and cannot quench physical thirst. Consumers who are still struggling to satisfy their physiological needs in the normal circumstances will not buy Art. Art buyers are usually motivated to consume art to satisfy safety, belongingness, need for self-esteem and to perform their self-actualization. A person will buy art to safeguard savings. Certain works of art appreciate in value as the artist becomes more popular or when he dies. More than once, the cultural scene has witnessed these value increases and rich people have coveted owning these masterpieces not for their artistic magnificence but more for their financial value.   A person will buy art to satisfy belongingness especially if he or she finds himself trying to get into company of art buyers. Belongingness would sometimes overpower physical hunger especially in these modern days when people have gone towards the limits of individualism isolating themselves from social groups that provide comfort in belongingness. In the early years of high art, kings and queens would have their portraits painted by in house artists such as Michael Angelo and Da Vinci. These portraits help a person increase his self-esteem. Coffee shops, banks and other commercial establishment hang works of art in their walls not so much for decorative purposes but these products increase the company’s self-esteem. Their clients are able to admire the company knowing that the company they chose is of the cultured type and can afford these works of art. Based on the Maslow’s Heirarchy of Needs, the marketing strategy must realize that in order for art galleries to sell their products, it has to appeal to the motivations of the people walking into the gallery. These gallery visitors are basically interested in art and the curator must work on satisfying needs. Marketing campaigns must cater to satisfying client’s need to raise his self-esteem or need to satisfy his belongingness. Strategies such as knowing the client’s kind of groupie or the client’s thoughts of himself will be a few effective tactics towards forging a sale. FREUDIAN THEORY Though highly controversial and continuously debated upon by psychoanalysts, Sigmund Freud has been the most popular theorist of the century due to the sexual nature of his findings. Basically, he suggests that â€Å"(1) much behavior has a biological basis which is (2) often sexual in nature, and (3) that early experiences in childhood will have a profound, but unconscious effect on later lifee.g., people who are rejected in an early, oral phase of development may become oral retentive and end up as wine connoisseurs later in life.† (Hawkins, 1998) For Freud, people are motivated by their sex drives. Though some sectors of the scientific communities do not believe this, advertising, film and marketing have used the Freudian theories and have remained successful in the promotion and selling of their products. Cars, cigarette, alcohol and other vices have used sex at one point or another in their commercials, posters or corporate IDs. MTV’s have evolved into using pretty boys and sexy girls to get the maximum buying power of teenagers and young adults. Even new generation anime features voluptuous heroes, heroines and villains. Wonder Woman has never been as seductive and Superman has been redrawn to sport more muscles that spell musk. Though Freud never really thought sexuality in the new millennium context, evolutionists understands this kind of sexual motivation due to the inherent nature of human beings to help the species survive and sustain power over the natural kingdom. The only way to keep from extinction is to continue procreation. In Darwinian logic, motivation to procreation is as sensible as breathing. Sex has always helped sell art. Art from ancient Greece such as sculptures Adonis or Venus were sometimes seen as pornographic. Though these artworks of nudity became monuments of great cities and tourist destinations that earn millions of dollars, parent of little children still become uneasy explaining nudity in these kinds of art works. Marketing art with tactics from the Freudian theories that sex sells would make marketing of art forms planned in a way that it attracts sexual motivations from the buyers. Art galleries, when opening an exhibit usually employs wine, beautiful ladies in little black dresses and music that appeals to the possible clients. This type of marketing style that is guided by Freudian motivation theories supports art works that have sexual undertones already in them. Bar owner Schrager narrates the reason for buying an artwork. â€Å"According to Schrager, the decision to commission Clemente for the ceiling mural and lamps was an easy one. I love Clementes work, and I thought a ceiling mural would be appropriate for the place and location. For me, a lot of Clementes work has sexual undertones, and I thought it would fit in perfectly in the bar. (Silberman, 2001) MCGUIRE THEORY OF MOTIVATION McGuire’s psychology of motivation stems from his cognitive and affective experimentations. Thinkers are seen to carry out directed-thinking tasks. These thought systems in people illustrate their motivations.   Ã¢â‚¬Å"Five dimensions that together provide an inclusive description of thought systems were identified. Two dimensions are cognitive: (1) size; and (2) cognitive-affirmational bias. Two others are affective: (3) affective desirability bias; and (4) people-favorability bias. The fifth dimension is (5) cognitive-affective congruence.† (McGuire, 2006) McGuire believes that affective stimulus influence the cognitive aspect of human motivations more. Men and women have different thought patterns since they react differently to stimulus. Knowing this, it is important for art galleries to note who has the buying power when couples walk into the gallery to purchase the artwork. At culturally diverse markets, art managers need to address what could stimulate affective motivations in their clients. Sometimes, talking to an art manager who understands the client’s affective stimulus like race or culture is effective. â€Å"More buying power translates into more art-buying ability. Art dealers and publishers are keenly aware of this. But what they also need to understand is that while African Americans are looking to buy more high-quality art, theyre also looking to buy from dealers and publishers who understand them and will cater to them.† (Hagan, 2004) 5 STAGES OF DECISION MAKING PROCESS Equipped with the three motivational theories above, the next important part of the marketing strategy is integrating the promotional or advertising activities to the five stages of the decision making process that each art buyers goes through whenever they are in making a decision whether to buy, to buy later, or not to buy. Source: Problem recognition is the stage where the buyer becomes aware of his need. Awareness of needs does not happen like magic. Need is stimulated. The client must be aware of his need from its unconscious state to the conscious and articulate status. Commercials that stimulate problem recognition are effective because they can visually show what the client does not have and therefore, just by looking at advertisement, the client realizes his lack of that product thereby moving towards the process of coveting the product for himself. A blank wall will stimulate a need to buy art. An empty corner can stimulate a person to acquire a statue. Occasions and celebrations from birthdays to monthly anniversaries to grandmom or grandpop days and other more outlandish occasions can also create the rationale to make the consumers think of buying art. The second phase is where the client begins to look for information that will lead him into being able to find the product or the service that can quench his need. In the case of art galleries, a person must be able to find the art gallery. This ease of art gallery access will be attained with proper promotions and advertising. Art gallery accessibility geographically will also be essential in attracting buyers who are currently looking for information so satisfy their needs. The Internet is the latest virtual shop where buyers from around the world can be tuned in at the same time. With the Internet platform as marketing tool, selling is definitely without borders and without pressure of time. The buyer from spread of mouth information can also acquire details on how to locate the art gallery. Employers had always stressed good service because positive feedback is the gateway of businesses. With the information at hand, the consumer goes to the third stage of the decision making process which is the evaluation stage where alternatives are ranked. â€Å"This stage establishes the criteria for evaluation, features the buyer wants or does not want. Rank/weight alternatives or resume search. May decide that you want to eat something spicy, indian gets highest rank. If not satisfied with your choice then return to the search phase. Can you think of another restaurant? Look in the yellow pages etc. Information from different sources may be treated differently. Marketers try to influence by framing alternatives.† (classnotes, 2006) Art galleries’ marketing strategy must make sure that the criteria set by its consumers are achieved. After product characteristics, price is usually the next criteria that the client considers. For art, the prices depend on a flexible standard. Other pieces are â€Å"priceless† while other art products are set by how the community valuates the artist. This is where the talent of the art manager or the curator comes in. Framing the art product, literally and figuratively spells putting on more weight on the piece or turning the off the client’s needs which will surely fail selling the product when the fifth decision making process starts. The fourth stage is the purchase stage. The buying value is affected by three possibilities as the client decides from whom to buy, when to buy or if the client decides not to buy. Purchase from art galleries will be affected by the terms of sale, credibility of the establishment and return policies. Tax information on artwork is an important information that will tip the scales towards the sales. A news clipping shows reaction of buyers and galleries on impositions of added tax to art pieces. â€Å"Paying an 8.8 percent tax on art doesnt discourage him or his wife, Virginia, from buying, but he said he could imagine it would slow some people down.† Thats what worries the Seattle Art Museum.† (Hackett, 2005) The atmosphere of the art gallery, and happiness of the shopping experience influences the time of sale. Some galleries maintain calmness in the gallery depicting unstressful experience for the buyer. Especially with purchases of millions of dollars, the atmosphere must be as much stress free as possible. The last stage of the process is the post purchase stage where the client reflects on the purchase that he did. The buyer usually compares the purchase with his expectations based on the need he originally formed. In the post purchase stage, either the art consumer is satisfied or unsatisfied with the purchase. Customer satisfaction or dissatisfaction is affected by his value perceptions. Art buyers know there is inherent value in art works. Physically, art is just a piece of paper or canvass with pigment but the images and visualization that the artwork shares to the consumer is what is of value that have been purchased. For artwork, one piece may create more value to another person depending on the level of beauty value he gets from the work of art. His satisfaction therefore depends on the value that the art product or experience in buying the artwork communicates to the buyer. Art galleries are cultural venues where patrons are soon established. The repeat-purchase behavior found in the art galleries must be high and excellent because these repeat buyers are also automatic promotional agents of the art gallery. Appreciating an art piece in a hotel lobby, an interested consumer would normally ask where the piece was bought. And that is first lead of the art gallery that happens outside the gallery. Patrons of the art help in lessening the cognitive dissonance of art consumers. When there is a feeling of anxiety after purchase, the consumer looks for elements outside his decision that would help him be assured of his purchase and publicity of the art gallery’s success or social responsibility or how famous people patronize the gallery helps in relieving cognitive dissonance in post purchase stages of consumer decision making process. CONCLUSION Everyone buys art at one time or another. The time and cost of art that an individual buys depends on his motivations as incorporated in many studies in consumer behavior backed by psychological discourse and experimentations. With the need for the art industry to profit and keep the industry afloat, marketing strategies benefit from these motivational theories. It is safe to note that whenever a painting or a piece of art lands in a hotel lobby, or a financial establishment, a museum or simply in a living room wall, much human activity has been put into it that basically further increases it s social and cultural value. References Boeree, George. 1998. Abraham Maslow. Retrieved October 31, 2006 from Chartrand, Harry Hillman. 2000. The Public Life of the Arts in America†¨Joni Cherbo and M. Wyszomirski (eds),†¨Rutgers University Press, April 2000 Classnotes. 2006. Consumer Buying Behavior. Retrieved October 31, 2006 from Silberman, Vanessa. 2000. Results of Consumer Survey Shed Light on Art Buying Behavior. Art Business News, Nov, 2000 Hagan, Debbie. 2004. Black buying power shows strength in art: growing incomes and more national exposure of African-American art translates into a widening base of art buyers – news. Art Business News, Jan, 2004 Hackett, Regina and Michelle Nicolosi. 2005. Art collectors fault state agency on tax issue. Seattle Post – Intelligencer Reporters. Friday May 27, 2005. Retrieved October 31, 2006 from Hawkins, Del I., Roger J. Best, and Kenneth A. Coney (1998), Consumer Behavior: Building Marketing Strategy, 7th ed., Boston: McGraw Hill. McGuire, William J. Claire V. McGuire, Yale University. 2006. Cognitive versus affective aspects of phenomenal thought systems focused on persons. Retrieved October 31, 2006 from Spiegler, Marc. 2006. Time to Reform the Art Market? The Art Newpaper. Retrieved October 31, 2006 from

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Water Properties: Polarity

Water Properties: Polarity CHRISTABEL SAMPA Discuss the assertion that water has several unique properties that make it vital not only for human beings, but for all living organisms to survive. Introduction Water is a normal oxide made of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. It has a chemical formula of H20 where the ratio of the two different atoms it is made up of two to one ie two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen covalently bonded to each other. Water is one of the most abundant of the smaller molecules and makes up to 60-90% of the fresh mass of an organism. Survival of all living organisms on earth hence is dependant on water. Therefore it is quite vital to understand the properties of water that makes it important to all living organisms. Polarity Of all the properties of water, polarity can be considered very important as it somehow contributes to almost all the other properties in one way or the other. Water is polar substance because it shows uneven change distribution within its molecule. One part of the water molecule is partially positive and the other is partially negative and this is known as a dipole. The polarity of water occurs because the oxygen atom in the molecule has greater electron attracting power than hydrogen atoms. Hence, oxygen has a slightly negative charge as compared to the hydrogen atom. The polarity makes water molecules to have weak force of attraction for each other, the opposite charges come together making the molecules behave as though they were sticky like magnets. The above property enables water posses several unique properties such as:- High Surface Tension Surface tension comes about due to forces of attraction between molecules of a liquid at its open boundary surface. In a water molecule however the high surface tension is due to unequal distribution of hydrogen bond at the surface of water. Hydrogen bonds exist between each water molecule of water, but molecules at the surface of liquid water have fewer neighbors and as a result, have greater attraction to the few water molecules that are nearby. The surface tension makes the surface of water slightly difficult to break through thou the interior. This is very important to living organism such as plants. As the water required for health plants is obtained from the soil which is down the plant, the high surface tension of water enables water to be pulled up a narrow tube by gravity without breaking its surface. â€Å"Cohesion of water molecule gives water a high tensile strength which enables water column in xylem elements of stem to be pulled upon to the top of tall trees without breaking.† Jain V.K, 2011:24. Surface tension is also responsible for the survival of small organisms that are dependent on the water surface as a mode of transport and living. The Basilisk lizards for instance, makes use of the high surface tension of water to accomplish the incredible feat of walking on waters surface. Some insects also are capable of moving on top of water without its surface breaking. Humans are also capable of skipping rocks on water. Low viscosity However, despite water having a high surface tension, water has a low viscosity. It is capable of sliding over each other easily. This property enables blood to move through thing capillaries and cytoplasm inside cellular boundaries. in animals, the capillaries are the smallest blood vessels found within the tissues of the body and are the ones that transport blood to larger vessels, for instance during gaseous exchange oxygen from the lungs is delivered to the capillaries around the air sacs to reach the blood inside it which latter is transported to the heart inorder to be pumped to all other blood’s mayor components is water this function of the capillaries is well carried out and animals such as human beings, survive. Therefore the low viscosity of water is important to human survival. not only what has been mentioned above, but also when molecules of others substances dissolve in mater, they low the surface tension of water and they tend to collect at the interface between the liquid phase and other phases. vermar and ararwal, 1974. this fact make water important in the development of a plasma membrane and aids the movement of molecules between it. Water is a universal solvent Water is referred to as a universal solvent as it is able to dissolve a wide range of substances dues to its polarity nature. Water dissolves substances by surrounding charged particles and pulling them into solution. It decreases the electro static interactions between charged substances and increasing yheir solubility. This property is very important to both plants and animal. According to verma and Agrival 1974:75. â€Å"The sol-valency is of great biological importance because all the chemical reactions that take place in the cells, do so in acqueous solution.† these solutions have the solvent water. This simply means that without water, biochemical reactions can not take place. All water alet acts as a transport medium, it is responsible for the transportation of all dissolved materials in blood such as food substances, gases excretory products and many other essential; and wastes products. in plants, it transports mineral salts and other nutrients to where they are needed. Water is a solvent for polar substances meaning that it does not dissolve non polar substances. This is of great importance in the formation of membranes and helps to determine the three dimensional properties of molecules of proteins, nucleic acids and their cel structure. Taylaor et al 1997. High capillarity The tendency of water to move up a narrow tube against the force of gravity is referred to as capillary action water has a high capillarity action water has s high capillarity. The high capillarity of water is due to its adhesives and cohesive forces. Cohesion is the mutual attraction between like molecules, water has cohesive properties as the molecules of water attract other water molecules. This is important in the transportation of water through a plant. Mader S. 2010:29 states â€Å"because water molecules are cohesive, a tension created that pulls the water column up from the roots.† the roots are anchored in the soil where the plant obtains water from. as the plant continuously transpierce through leaves which are up the plant, the water evaporating is immediately replaced with water molecules from the transport vessels from the roots to leaves. Adhesion, however, is the attraction between the water molecules and the container in which it is. Adhesion can also be described as the ability of one thing to stick firmly to another. Water is therefore attracted to substances such as cells walls, or glass surface. This is also important to living organisms. In the transport of water to the wall of the vessels also help in preventing the column of water from breaking apart. In general, adhesive and cohesive properties of water work hand in hand in the movement of water from the roots up to the leaves. Specific heat capacity Water has a high heat capacity, specific heat capacity is the amount of energy that must added to a unit mass to raise the temperature by one degree, and â€Å"the high specific heat capacity of water is due to the hydrogen bonds between the molecules. Water absorbd a lot of heat before it begins to get hot. The above property is important to organism that line in water such as fish. water organisms do not die due to excess heat and coldness as it take time for water to gain and lose heat, hence the temperature is well maintained for water life. According to Mader 2010:29, â€Å"because the temperature of water rises and falls slowly, organisms are better able to maintain their normal internal temperatures and are protected from srapid temperature changes.† most of the chemical reactions in cells take place within a small range of temperature. Transparency Water is idourless, hence transparent. This property is also very important as it enables tight to penetrate through it and reach photosynthetic organalles, the chloroplast inside cells which require sunlight to manufacture food.. Having discussed the above property of water, and this importance to all living organisms, it can be concluded that without water, life on earth is practically impossible as all living organisms depend on water. BIBLIOGRAPHY Jain V.K. (1974); Fundamentals of plant Physiology, S. Chand and Company Ltd. New Delhi. Kormondy E.J (1996); Concepts of Ecology, Fourth Edition. Pearson Education New Jersey. Mader S.S (2010); Biology, tenth Edition. McGraw – Hill Education. Singapore. Taylor D.J et al (1997); Biological Science 1 and 2 third edition. Camridge University Press. New York. Verma P.S and Agarwal V.K. (1974); Cell Biology, Genetics, Molecular Biology, Evolution and Ecology, Multicolour edition. Rejendra Ravindra Printer New Delhi. An Avocado Is A Fruit: Analysis An Avocado Is A Fruit: Analysis An avocado is a fruit and not a vegetable that grows on a tree and can be technically classified as a berry. The avocado is from evergreen tree which is native to Mesoamerica. Its natural range covers diverse environmental conditions from the central highlands of Mexico where frosts occur to the rain forests of northwest Columbia. They have a taste that ranges from rich, creamy and buttery to light and fruity, depending on the variety. There are many varieties of avocados, several of which are grown commercially. The Hass variety is the most popular commercially grown variety and has a deep, rich flavor. Avocados are ready to eat when they are slightly soft and yield to gentle pressure. The skin is peeled away and the flesh of the fruit is eaten. Avocados can be eaten by themselves or used for guacamole, sandwiches, salads, omelets, desserts and much more. (Smith et al. 1992,) History In 1519, Spanish soldier of fortune Hernando Cortez (1485-1547) set foot in Mexico City, the first white man to do so. Cortez found that the avocado. The avocado is native to the area stretching from the eastern and central highlands of Mexico through Guatemala to the Pacific coast of Central America. There is evidence that avocados have been utilized in Mexico for 10,000 years. The Spanish Conquistadors were the first Europeans to discover the fruit, native to the Americas, which the indigenous people of Mexico, Central America and South America had been using for thousands of years. Avocado its name comes from Latin America Nahunta word, meaning testicular fruit shape obvious reference. It is found in Mexico about 291 BC avocado easier to significant name because Sir Henrys Sloan, who created it in 1669. Naturalist Sir Hans Sloan was the first to use the name avocado, in a catalogue of Jamaican plants he published in 1696. During the 1700s, European sailors used the avocado as a spread for biscuits, which led to the name midshipmans butter. Avocado trees were introduced to California by 1856, when tree brought from Nicaragua was noticed growing near San Gabriel. In 1911, Carl Schmidt, a plant explorer, collected bud wood of a seedling that eventually became the Fuertes. This variety was the basis of the California avocado industry for many years. Avocados were introduced in Florida by 1850, and, in the 1930s, autumn and winter varieties were adapted. While commercial varieties of avocados arrived in Chile from California in 1928, avocados have been growing in that country since colonial times. The avocado arrived in Indonesia in 1750, Brazil in 1809, Israel in 1908, and South Africa and Australia in the late 19th century. In the late 1920s, Mr. Rudolph Hass discovered what would become the Hass variety. It is currently the most widely grown commercial and popular avocado variety. Early Spanish explorers found Aztecs enjoy avocado, but it has long been considered a tasteless food. The Aztecs also used avocados as a sexual stimulant. This is Spanish explorers brought avocado English. The first Florida crop included to the gardener Henry Ryan plantation in 1833. However, avocado and did not become a commercial crops, until the 20th century. Except in California, Florida, Hawaii, they generally planting, most consumer exit from the fruit. Finally, in the 1950 s, avocado to become popular for salad project and consumption become more common. In 1995, 40.9% of American families consumed of avocado. (Peggy, 2012) Geography map.png Mexico is the world leader for avocado growing, accounting for almost 35% of global production. Other important avocado producers include the USA and Indonesia (each with 7% of the world total), Colombia (6%), Brazil (5%) and Peru (4%). Land Aspects- Frost free, is the ideal avocado north, there is a warm climate. The site should be flat, or of a very slight slope, to allow easy mechanical access. Climate- Growth and fruit appropriate temperature is the most important requirement, the successful development of avocado. Suitable for planting avocado microclimate temperature must meet the following requirements: Occasional winter frosts warmer than -4 °C Day temperatures above 19 °C during flowering (September to November) Night temperatures above 10 °C during flowering No frosts during flowering Soil- Soil The avocado tree has shallow feeding roots that need a good permeability and well drained soils. Ideal soil should have the following features: A depth of more than 1.5m Be uniform and free draining Not be compacted or have impervious layers Have moderate fertility Have a high organic matter component Wet poorly drained soils will lead to major problems with root rot Types of avocado Hass Avocados Hass avocados are commonly seen year-round in the United States and some other areas. Generally easy to peel and usually weigh between 5 and 12 oz. Bacon Avocados Bacon avocados are common in the mid-winter months when other varieties are less prevalent. Bacon avocados have a fairly thin green skin that only gets slightly darker when they reach full maturity. Bacon avocados are usually about 6 to 12 oz. Fuerte Avocados The fuerte avocado is harvested from late autumn to early spring. The fuerte variety was the most common in the western part of the United States, which is oval shaped, the fuerte has a pear shape. Reed Avocados Reed avocados are large, round avocados that usually weigh between 8 and 18 oz. and are widely available in the summer months. Pinkerton Avocados Pinkerton avocados grow in the winter and yield more fruit than most avocados because of their small seeds. Approximately 8 to 18 oz. (Peggy, 2012) Propagation, Planting, Harvesting Propagation Seeds: Rapidly lose their viability: ~28 days. Fresh seeds germinate in 4-6 weeks. Seeds germinate well if placed in warm, moist compost and are only partially buried. You can remove the brown seed coat and cut a thin slice off the apex and base of the seed to aid germination. When roots and leaves are well formed, carefully plant seedlings in deep pots to establish before planting out. Avoid repotting to avoid root damage. Progeny from seedlings are variable. Cuttings: Generally difficult. Layering: Air-layering is successful with some cultivars, with Mexican-types rooting well. This is best done in spring and early summer. Grafting: Grafted or budded trees are more predictable in quality. Grafting is mainly done by whip, side- or cleft- grafting. Mexican- type rootstocks make the strongest growth, are hardier and are often used. Trees are sometimes top- worked. Planting Space plants at least 6-7 m apart; branches can die back if they touch those of their neighbor. Trees benefit from organic mulch, and from staking until established. Best site in a protected, warm area. Harvesting Avocados are harvested with hand-held poles and baskets. In flat areas in California, man-positioning machines are used to lift the pickers. Fruits are picked when mature but still hard. Determining when to harvest avocados can be difficult and may require experience. A slight change in skin color, loss of glossiness, or a brown seed coat is a sign of maturity. Pruning shears or special clippers should be used to harvest avocados. The pedicel should also remain attached to the fruit. (Chia, C. L. et. al. and Yokoyama, K. M., et. Al, 2009) Culture European sailors used the avocado as a spread for biscuits, which led to the name midshipmans butter. In Japan sushi avocado dishes are well-liked in international cuisine. Early Spanish explorers found Aztecs enjoy avocado, but it has long been considered a tasteless food. The Aztecs also used avocados as a sexual stimulant. Culinary (Unknown, 2004) Slices of avocado are widely served in sandwiches and on toasted bread as a snack. Even avocado puree has varied uses such as it can be spread in hotdog and hamburgers and also used as a thickener in various liqueurs. Sushi avocado dishes are well-liked in international cuisine. Being a fruit, avocado is used for various culinary purposes but it is popularly eaten raw or added to various fruit salads in raw form. The subtle-flavor and creamy texture of the fruit makes it a very popular ingredient of avocado recipes such as avocado juice, avocado salad and avocado dip. All these avocado dishes are well-liked in almost all households. Various seasonings and spices can be mixed in the avocado dips to provide flavor to the dish. In the list of sweet dishes, avocado recipes are quite popular. It is often included in several ice creams and milkshakes and other desserts. Salads and juices are some other additions to the list of avocado dishes. In savory dishes also avocado is a well-liked ingredient. Medical/Non- Culinary (Ruby S, 2009-2012) From the ancient times avocado is used as an excellent beauty aid. They truly offer wealth of health and significant beauty benefits. You can easily use Avocado in your daily beauty routine and save some money too. Here are the various beauty uses of Avocado. Take one avocado, half teaspoon of olive oil and one egg yolk. Mash it thoroughly in a bowl. Apply this mix to wet or damp hair. Leave it on for 20 to 30 minutes. Massage it in your scalp properly. Rinse with warm water and shampoo your hair as usual. So can Amazing soft, silky and shiny hair. It is also believed to be an effective sexual stimulant and is used to make ointments aimed at delaying old age. Change Agents Hernando Cortez- In 1519, Spanish soldier of fortune Hernando Cortez (1485-1547) set foot in Mexico City, the first white man to do so. Cortez found that the avocado was a staple in the native diet European sailors- In 1700s, European sailors in the 1700s called it midshipmans butter because they liked to spread it on hard tack biscuits Manashita Ichiro- Avocado in sushi was the idea of a Japanese chef Manashita Ichiro in Los Angeles about 40 years ago who used it as a replacement for Toro because it offered a similarmalty mouth feel ¼Ã…’It was subsequently used in California rolls. Its a Japanese invention. Innovation (April, 2011) Avocado oil- Avocado oil may have anti-ageing properties like those attributed to olive oil. Avocado oil is very rich in monounsaturated fatty acids and extremely low in saturated fat. It also contains no cholesterol. Avocado Face Mask- Gives deep cleansing which helps in getting rid of the dirt and grime accumulated on the face, it opens up the tiny ducts for cleansing and clearing the dead skin cells and thereby prevents acne breakouts. Avocado Sushi- Avocado in sushi was the idea of a Japanese chef in Los Angeles about 40 years ago who used it as a replacement for Toro because it offered a similarmalty mouth feel ¼Ã…’It was subsequently used in California rolls. Avocado Butter- Our Avocado Butter s produced by hydrogenating cold pressed Avocado Oil with other vegetable oils. The light hydrogenation process creates butter with good oxidative stability and a smooth, silky feel. Nutrition Per 230g avocado including Calories 384 KJ, Fat 55%, cholesterol 0%, Sodium 1%, Carbohydrate 7%, Protein 5g, Vitamin A 7%, Vitamin C 34%, Calcium 3%, Iron 8%. (Unknown, 2010-2012) Resources (Unknown, 2012) Human Resources- Natural Resources- Avocado growing need air, sunlight, water, soil, especially free frosts and warm climate. Wet poorly drained soils will lead to major problems with root rot. Mechanical Resources- Workers can use man-positioning machines to lift them to pick mature fruit. Future Trends Contemporary uses Current applications (Unknown, 2004) In bakery to avocado flavor cakes, biscuits and bread. In Japan, sushi avocado dishes are well-liked in international cuisine. Being a fruit, avocado is used for various culinary purposes but it is popularly eaten raw or added to various fruit salads in raw form. In restaurant, various seasonings and spices can be mixed in the avocado dips to provide flavor to the dish. It is often included in several ice creams and milkshakes and other desserts. Salads and juices are some other additions to the list of avocado dishes. In savory dishes also avocado is a well-liked ingredient.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Literature Review of Methods for Earthquake Analysis

Literature Review of Methods for Earthquake Analysis CHAPTER 2 2. REVIEW OF LITERATURE 2.1 INTRODUCTION Earthquakes result from the sudden movement of tectonic plates in the earths crust. The movement takes place at fault lines, and the energy released is transmitted through the earth in the form of waves that causes ground motion many miles from the epicenter. Regions adjacent to active fault lines are the most prone to experience earthquake. As the ground moves, inertia tends to keep structure in place, resulting in the imposition of displacements and forces that can have catastrophic results. The purpose of the seismic design is to proportion structures so that they can withstand the displacements and the forces induced by the ground motion. Seismic design has emphasised the effects of horizontal ground motion, because the horizontal components of an earthquake usually exceed the vertical component and because structures are usually much stiffer and stronger in response to vertical loads than they are in response to horizontal loads. Any learning process has different components through which learning takes place. School learning may be based on book knowledge, theoretical explanations and study, but most people learn more from real examples and learning by doing. Seeing is also much more educative than just reading, reason for which the illustration of a topic is of great importance to the learning process. Analysing post earthquake pictures does vividly teach about what designs were faulty and why. Unfortunately, that cannot be said from the structures that were not damaged because from the outside little can be seen. Only the study of the drawings and calculations can determine why a certain structure did not fail, and while neighbouring structure were damaged or totally collapsed. In particular those constructions that are at the point of total failure are interesting because they present themselves as a freeze frame during the process of collapsing. Earthquake engineers in recent years have emphasized the need for performance-based seismic analysis. An essential element in many seismic evaluations is the determination of ultimate inelastic response of the structure. Performance-based methods require reasonable estimates of inelastic deformation or damage in structures which are better quantities to assess damage than stress or forces. The performance based analysis is based on quantifying the deformation of the members and the bridge structure as a whole, under the lateral forces of an earthquake of a certain level of seismic hazard. Existing codes are based on elastic analysis which has no measure of the deformation capability of members of bridges. The performance based analysis gives the analyst more choice of ‘performance’ of the bridges as compared to the limit states of collapse and serviceability in a design based on limit state method. Flexibility of soil causes lengthening of lateral natural period due to overall decrease in lateral stiffness of the structural system. Such lengthening of lateral natural period may considerably alter the seismic response of the building frames resting on isolated foundation. Considerable amount of works have been carried out in the above said areas by researchers. In the present work, a few literatures related to these areas are reviewed and reported. 2.2 CODAL PROVISIONS FOR PERFORMANCE BASED ANALYSIS The FEMA-273 (1997) document provides technically sound and acceptable guidelines for the seismic rehabilitation of buildings. The guidelines for the Seismic Rehabilitation of Buildings are intended to serve as a ready tool for design professionals, a reference document for building regulatory officials, and a foundation for the future development and implementation of building code provisions and standards. This document provides different Seismic performance levels of buildings for structural and Non-structural components in detail. It also gives different analysis procedures used for Seismic rehabilitation of buildings. The FEMA-349 (2000) action plan presents a rational and cost effective approach by which building stakeholders: owners, financial institutions, engineers, architects, contractors, researchers, the public and governing agencies, will be able to move to a performance based design and evaluation system. The plan recognizes that there is a strong demand from stakeholder groups for more reliable, quantifiable and practical means to control building damage. It also recognizes that there is not a focused understanding among these groups as to how these goals can be obtained. This Plan describes how performance based seismic design guidelines can be developed and used to achieve these goals. It engages each of the groups in the development of these guidelines, by which future building design will become more efficient and reliable. The FEMA-356 (2000) standard is intended to serve as a nationally applicable tool for design professionals, code officials, and building owners undertaking the seismic rehabilitation of existing buildings. The procedures contained in this standard are specifically applicable to the rehabilitation of existing buildings and are, in general, more appropriate for that purpose than are new building codes. Advancement of present-generation performance-based seismic design procedures is widely recognized in the earthquake engineering community as an essential next step in the nation’s drive to develop resilient, loss-resistant communities. FEMA 445 (2006) program plan offers a step-by-step, task-oriented program that will develop next-generation performance-based seismic design procedures and guidelines for structural and nonstructural components in new and existing buildings. This program plan is a refinement and extension of two earlier FEMA plans: FEMA 273 Performance-Based Seismic Design of Buildings – an Action Plan, which was prepared by the Earthquake Engineering Research Center, University of California at Berkeley in 1997, and FEMA 349 Action Plan for Performance Based Seismic Design, which was prepared by the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute in 2000. The state of practice for performance-based assessment, performance-based design of new buildings, and performance-based upgrades of existing buildings will all be significantly advanced under this Program Plan. ATC-40 (1996) document provides a comprehensive, technically sound recommended methodology for the seismic evaluation and retrofit design of existing concrete buildings. Although it is not intended for the design of new buildings, the analytical procedures are applicable. The document applies to the overall structural system and its elements and components. The methodology used here is performance based: the evaluation and retrofit design criteria are expressed as performance objectives, which defines desired levels of seismic performance when the building is subjected to specified levels of seismic ground motion. Acceptable performance is measured by the level of structural and/or non-structural damage expected from the earthquake shaking. Damage is expressed in terms of post yield, inelastic deformation limits for various structural components and elements found in concrete buildings. The analytical procedure incorporated in the methodology accounts for post elastic deformations of the structure by using simplified nonlinear static analysis methods. IRC 6 The object of the Standard Specifications and Code of Practice is to establish a common procedure for the design and construction of road bridges in India. This publication is meant to serve as a guide to both the design engineer and the construction engineer but compliance with the rules therein does not relieve them in any way of their responsibility for the stability and soundness of the structure designed and erected by them. The design and construction of road bridges require an extensive and through knowledge of the science and technique involved and should be entrusted only to specially qualified engineers with adequate practical experience in bridge engineering and capable of ensuring careful execution of work. IS 1893 (Part 3): 2002 The standard (Part 3) deals with the assessment of earthquake forces and design of new bridges on highways, railways, flyover bridges, pedestrian bridges, submersible bridges, utility bridges and aqueducts. The earthquake effect on retaining walls and bridge abutments are covered. The hydrodynamic effect of water on submerged substructure and method of assessment of liquefaction potential of soil is also included. The methodology of estimation of seismic forces given in the code can be employed for seismic evaluation of the existing bridges and retrofitting of such structures.This standard deals with the earthquake resistant design of regular bridges in which the seismic actions are mainly resisted at abutments or through flexure of piers, that is, bridges composed of vertical pier-foundation system supporting the deck structure with/without bearings. However for all special and major bridges, detailed dynamic studies should be undertaken.This standard does not deal with the construction features relating to earthquake resistant design of bridges. RESPONSE SPECTRUM ANALYSIS Greg Griffin and M. Saiid Saiidi, have made a study to better understand the bridge response due to site response effect. Several methods are available to predict bridge response to incoherent ground motions, but are typically cost prohibitive to implement in standard bridge designs. To simplify the analysis and understand the pseudo-static displacement and acceleration behavior, they developed a response history computer model for a two degree of freedom (DOF) system. A super structure of a bridge is represented by shear beam connected both DOF. They used Superposition of the pseudo-static and acceleration response in order to determine the total DOF response. The site response effect was predicted by a SDOF, nonlinear ground response model. An iteration scheme using the Newton-Raphson method was implemented and it has been verified with an equivalent linear stiffness method. Later Parametric studies were conducted on different structure masses and shear beam stiffnesses. For varied soil depths at supports, they used three different earthquake ground motions. A stiffness parameter defined as Coupling Ratio (CR) varies from 0 (each DOF responds independently) to 1 (rigid body response) has been observed. Then the magnification factors were calculated as the ratio of the relative displacement at each DOF due to the incoherent ground motion to the uniform base motion response. They observed from the study that magnification factors could be used to account for ground motion incoherency by modifying the response of a two DOF system subjected to uniform base motion. Said M. Allam and T. K.Datta , studied on response spectrum method of analysis for suspension bridges subjected to multicomponent, partially correlated stationary ground motion. This analysis conducted is based on the relationship between the power spectral density function and the response spectrum of the input ground motion and fundamentals of the frequency domain spectral analysis. They said that analysis duly takes into account the spatial correlation of ground motions between the supports, also the quasi-static component of the response, and the modal correlation between different modes of vibration. They have analyzed the suspension bridge under a set of important parametric variations to study (1) The comparison between the responses obtained by the response spectrum method of analysis and the frequency domain spectral analysis; and (2) To investigate the behavior of suspension bridges under seismic excitation. The parameters defined in analysis include the spatial correlation of ground motion, the ratio between the three components of ground motion, the angle of incidence of the earthquake, the nature and number of modes considered in the analysis, and the nature of the power spectral density function of ground motion. They finally concluded that the response spectrum method of analysis provides a fair estimate of responses under parametric variations considered in the study. TIME HISTORY ANALYSIS Yong Deng, a senior structural engineer has made a research on seismic issues over structures. He studied that Non-linear Time history Analysis simulates the structure behavior under severe Earthquake movement exactly than any other methods. In his paper, Non-linear time history analysis has been presented with one of the world famous project. Yerba Buena Island (YBI) West-Bound (WB) Ramps are portion of San Fransisco-Oakland Bay Bridge Project. The ramps are touched down to Yerba Buena Island from YBI WB widening by hinges. . This project is located at a 0.627g Site Specific Response for Safety Evaluation Earthquake (SEE). YBI WB On-ramp is a highly horizontally Curved Bridge with radius of 38.8 meters. He mentioned that Seismic behavior is very important for the project. In order to understand structural non-linear behavior, especially highly horizontally curved bridge behavior under severe earthquake events, YBI WB On-ramp stand-alone bridge is analyzed by non-linear time history analysis method. A analysis software SAP 2000 with Hilber-Hughes-Taylor ÃŽ ± direct integration method is used for Non-linear Time History Analysis. Seismic Modeling is also discussed in this paper. Then he has used six sets of acceleration time histories for Non-linear Time History Analysis by SAP 2000. Also a program developed by University of California-Berkeley is used to verify Non-linear Time history Analysis accuracy in this paper. Site Specific Response Spectra ARS is also used for liner analysis and compared with results of Non-linear Time History Analysis and with the program developed by California-Berkeley University. Later the Non-linear push-over analysis is performed to determine the structural capacity and ductility under severe earthquake events. Finally, discrepancies between different program analyses are discussed and recommendations are presented. R. K. Dowell, has studied on a new method for finding member forces for statically indeterminate bridge frames. He said that the unique aspect of this new method is that it produces exact member-end-moments for statically indeterminate bridge frames from simple closed-form equations, without the need to setup and solve a system of simultaneous equations, as required in the stiffness method. Also the result shows that new method is 1000 times faster than any of the currently available methods that depend on matrix manipulation. He presented the incremental form of the closed-form approach and nonlinear time-history results for a typical bridge frame subjected to earthquake loading are compared with the results obtained from stiffness method. Finally he concluded that new closed form approach is based on modified classical analysis techniques and is so fast and stable that bridge designers may now consider using nonlinear time-history analysis for the seismic design of typical highway bridge structures. PUSHOVER ANALYSIS Mark R. Capron, he made a study on pushover based seismic evaluation of a 2,164 m long bridge located near the New Madrid Seismic Zone in southeastern Missouri. His research includes the existing structure, and the substructure retrofitted with column jackets, cap-beam modifications, and seismic isolation bearings. The research shows that the existing structure has 30% to 40% of the displacement capacity required for the 500 year design level, and significantly less than required for the 1,000 and 2,500 year levels that retrofits can improve performance to the 500 year level and that isolation bearings can improve performance of the main spans. Ima Muljati and Pennung Warnitchai, has studied the performance of Modal Pushover Analysis (MPA) in predicting the inelastic seismic response of multi-span concrete bridges. Considered bridge is subjected to lateral forces distributed proportionally over the span of the bridge in accordance to the product of mass and displaced shape. Later the bridge is pushed up to the target displacement determined from the peak displacement of the nth mode inelastic Single Degree of Freedom System derived from Uncoupled Modal Response History Analysis. Then the peak response from each mode is combined using Square-Root of Sum-of-Square (SRSS) rule. Results shows that the use of SRSS rule is not appropriate in this bridge and the displaced pattern is shifted from the elastic shape due to yielding, Modal Pushover Analysis can predict well the total peak response of the bridge in inelastic range. P.S.Lande and A.D.Yawale, they studied that the structures within elastic range have quiet high displacement forces. Therefore it requires linear methods for analysis. He said that the bridge being a special type of structure requires higher load carrying capacity due to introduction of ductility in design requiring the design for lesser forces as compared to the forces obtained in elastic range. To evaluate the Non-linear behavior and consequent failure pattern in different components of the bridge, Pushover analysis is an effective tool. In his study, he deals with nonlinear pushover analysis at a specific bridge structure with elastic foundation in urban area. The procedure recommended in ATC 40 (Capacity Spectrum method) is adopted for analysis under various seismic demands. The hinge formations for expected performance level are recorded. The response parameter like base shear roof displacement are studied. Performance point for bridge under consideration is determined. Jasmin A. Gadhiya and Anuj K. Chandiwala, has made a study on pushover analysis of bridge after 2001 Gujarat Earthquake and 2005 Kashmir Earthquake, and said that there is a nation-wide attention to the seismic vulnerability assessment of existing important structures. There are so many literatures available on the seismic evaluation procedures of multi-storeyed buildings using pushover analysis. Its known that bridge is a very important structure in any country but there is no much effort available in literature for seismic evaluation of existing bridges. Bridges extends horizontally with its two ends restrained and that particular characteristic make the dynamic behavior of bridges different from building. Modal analysis of a 3D bridge model reveals that it has many closely spaced modes. Participating mass ratio for the higher modes is very high. Therefore, pushover analysis with single load pattern may not yield correct results In order to address this problem, the aims of their s tudy was to carry out a seismic evaluation case study for an existing RC bridge using nonlinear static (pushover) analysis and upper bound push over analysis and suggest whichever is better to understand bridge structural behavior. They considered a 12-span existing RC bridge for the case study. Standard pushover analysis using FEMA 356 (2000) displacement coefficient method and an upper bound pushover analysis method is used to analyses the bridge in which they have considered higher mode effects. And they concluded that evaluation results presented are shows that the selected bridge does not have the capacity to meet any of the desired performance level.